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Depression in the Chinese: The impact of acculturation
Traumatic exposure, acculturative stress and cultural orientation: the influence on PTSD, depressive and anxiety symptoms among refugees
Cross-cultural aspects of bereavement - A conceptual framework for comparative analysis
Cross-cultural aspects of bereavement - Ethnic and cultural variations in the develepment of bereavement practices
The cultural bereavement interview - A new clinical research approach for refugees
Toward a culturally sensitive DSM: Cultural bereavement in Cambodian refugees and the traditional healer as taxonomist
The cry for the lost placenta: Cultural bereavement and cultural survival among Cambodians who resettled, were repatriated, or stayed at home
Bringing order out of chaos: A culturally competent approach to managing the problems of refugees and victims of organised violence
The uses and abuses of culture: Cultural competence in post-mass crime peacebulding in Cambodia
Acquiring expertise in the field of intervention. In: Psychosocial and trauma response in war-torn societies